ME-Sen: Collins Loses Planned Parenthood Endorsement

The Hill:

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has lost a key supporter in her reelection bid, with Planned Parenthood opting to endorse Rep. Tom Allen’s (D) bid to unseat Collins.

Planned Parenthood had endorsed Collins, who is pro-choice, in her previous elections, but decided to back Allen after Collins voted to confirm the nomination of conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

“I think the most important thing here to keep in mind is that while Sen. Collins has been very good on policy issues, when it came down to one of the most important votes a U.S. senator can take, she failed,” said Chris Quint, director of public affairs for the Planned Parenthood of Northern New England Action Fund. […]

Planned Parenthood has already begun to mobilize 14,000 activists in the state to support Allen, Quint said.

Nice. I’m glad that at least one more progressive group has decided not to give faux-moderate Susan Collins some more cover this year.

3 thoughts on “ME-Sen: Collins Loses Planned Parenthood Endorsement”

  1. Would have been better if it were “Collins loses planned Planned Parenthood Endorsement”.

  2. An organization like Planned Parenthood endorsing ANY republicans, even pro-choice types, would amount to shooting themselves in the foot.  It just amounts to enabling conservatives.

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